Museum of Ara Pacis Wheelchair Rome Accessible Tours
Museum of Ara Pacis Wheelchair Rome Accessible Tours
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Disabled Accessible Details



of Ara Pacis

Museum of Ara Pacis Wheelchair Accessible Tours Details


The Museum of Ara Pacis wheelchair accessible tours details, is accessible.

Museum of Ara Pacis wheelchair accessible tours details makes a wheelchair available to people with mobility difficulties.

Public transport facilities nearby.

Connecting slides between the sidewalk and the roadway.

No seats reserved for badge holders.

Eentrance to the building is at the level of the external pedestrian path.

Horizontal circulation is easy thanks also to the presence of internal ramps; for the vertical one there is an accessible lift.

Access to the interior of the Museum of Ara Pacis wheelchair accessibility tours details presents a threshold greater than 2.5 cm.

There are accessible toilets.

Opening Times:

From 08:30 to 16:30 October To February
From 08:30 to 19:15 March To August

Ticket cost : Euros 8,00

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